Testimonials |
Mr Yee has been teaching me since I was Primary 5 for about 5 years. He is a very patient teacher who explains till I fully understand the concepts. The lesson is unique as it is taught differently as compared to other tuition centres. I could bring questions from school that I do not understand to ask and I was taught at my own speed thus I did not need to feel stress about not being able to catch up. This gave me enough time to understand my concepts. Furthermore, Mr Yee also gave many practice papers for us to practice on. My grades have improved a lot ever since attending his lessons!
Rayen Chai
From Rayen Chai (Nanhua High School) Rayen improved from borderline result in P5 to A* for PLSE in 2013. She was on her own for next 2 years but rejoined me when she was struggling with both A/E Maths in Sec 3. Through hard work and perseverance, she scored A1 for E Maths and A2 for A Maths in 2017 |
Mr Yee is a very devoted and humble tutor who goes the extra mile to help his students. He constantly checks the updated syllabus for different schools and exam topics to ensure the necessary scope is better prepared for. Not only he has the ability to guide his students to solve various tricky questions, he even goes extra mile to assist my children through WhatsApps for questions in homework or assessment, even at very late hours. He cheers for their good performance and helps to improve their weakness when they did not do well. His patience and guidance has helped my two kids to achieve A-Star in PSLE and further their studies to one of the top secondary schools. He is more than just a math tutor, he is a sincere educator. I believe that Mr Yee’s devotion in cultivating the interest of math into the young hearts will continue to assist my kids and others to achieve greater heights.
Cravan Chia
From the mum of Cravan Chia (Maris Stella) and Jolene Chia (RGPS) Cravan scored A* for Maths in PSLE 2016 and is now studying in in RI Jolene scored A* for Maths in PSLE 2017 and is now studying in RGS |
Jonathan was a Normal Academic stream student. He was struggling with Maths since Sec 2 because his school was teaching Maths at the Express stream level. Mr Yee was very patient and he will explain the concepts and methods in a clear and easy way for my son to understand. He will also teaches him useful techniques in answering the questions. In 2017, Jonathan took both his N level and O level Maths examination. Under Mr Yee’s guidance, he had improved tremendously and scored a Grade 2 (N level) and B3 (O level). Thank you Mr Yee.
Jonathon Chua
From Jonathon's Mum Jonathon Chua (Zhonghua Secondary) improved from a C (PSLE) to getting Grade 2(N level) and B3 (O level) while taking as a Sec 4 NA student in 2017 |
My daughters always look forward to attend Mr Yee lesson as his explanation is clear and simple to understand even for complex question. He is a patient and a dedicated tutor who extend his help anytime when my daughter need help in her Maths schoolwork. Thank you Mr Yee!
Siti, Mother of twins Haziqah and Hakimah, RGPS
Hakimah and Haziqah from RGPS made significant improvement after a year, improving form 70 plus to 80 plus and 50 plus to 70 plus in their Prelims. They scored A and B respectively in PSLE 2016 |
Throughout secondary school, i've always only scored grades ranging from D7 to F9 for mathematics. After attending Mr Yee's tuition classes for a few months, i begin to score passes and then Bs.
For the GCE O Levels i scored a B3 for EMath that would not have been possible in the past.
The tuition provides extra papers and teaches proper techniques in tackling questions.
For students lacking behind like myself, his lessons helped me to catch up and then enhance my knowledge in Emath.
Hillary Chua
From fail to B3 (2016 'O' levels) in less than a year, Hillary Chua from St Margarets' Sec achieved tremendous improvement! |
"I am a Secondary 4 student from St. Margaret’s Secondary school. I first attended math classes at Mr Yee’s when I was in Primary 5. During that time, math was one of my worst subjects and nothing that I was doing helped to improve my score. However, after attending classes with Mr Yee, I was able to grasp the concepts and techniques to help me improve in Math. The continuous guidance and help that Mr Yee had given me even allowed me to eventually take up A math when I started secondary school. I continued to only take up one lesson per week due to my busy schedule, but Mr Yee made sure that every lesson was not wasted and that I had gained something from it. He would ensure that I have thoroughly revised before every test and exam, and would often go through the mistakes that I have made. We worked together to find out my weaknesses in certain topics and I got better at math as the days went by.
After a lot of hard work and Mr Yee’s patience and dedication, I managed to score an overall A for both A and E math for my O levels. Thank you, Mr Yee!
Ashley Lim
Ashley Lim from St Margarets' scored A1 and A2 for E Maths and A Maths in 2016 'O' Levels. |
Mathematics has always been my weakest subject. When I was in Secondary 3, I had to take Additional Mathematics as a subject. I was consistently failing Amath with grades like E8 and F9 during my class tests and exams. It was until when I join Mr Yee’s class during the mid-year in Secondary 3 that my Amath grades started to improve. I began to slowly improve and saw my first pass at the end of my Secondary 3 year with a grade of C6. Under Mr Yee’s guidance, I gradually gained confidence for Amath and eventually I was able to achieve the grade of A2 for my Amath in my ‘O’ Levels. Mr Yee’s lessons are really helpful as his explanations are very clear and easy to follow. It made me understand tough questions more clearly. Mr Yee’s lessons have helped me tremendously, without his guidance I would not have done well in Amath.
Chan Ming Wei
Chan Ming Wei from Chung Cheng High Score A2 for A Maths in 2015 'O' Levels. A great improvement from F9 in Sec 3! |
My son, Colin, has been with Mr Yee since he was in Primary 5. He had always been scoring low to mid 80+ and was struggling with the problem sums. After a stint with a home tutor which didn't go very well ( there would be moans and groans the day before his tuition lesson), I went on the internet. I came across Mr Yee's website and decided to let Colin try out. Surprisingly, Colin really liked Mr Yee's classes. The moaning stopped and he looked forward to his classes. I believe the fact that Mr Yee was patient and could relate to Colin both played a part. There was a vast improvement in both his grades and attitude. The best thing is that my son can continue with Mr Yee, even in secondary school now. I didn't have to look for another teacher. I believe that Mr Yee has been instrumental in Colin getting an A* for Maths in his PSLE. We highly recommend him!
Dr Ivy Chew
Colin from Henry Park scored A* for Maths in PSLE 2015. He is now studying in SJI. |
Mr. Yee is a highly effective mathematics tutor. His clear explanation and effective teaching method makes learning mathematics a breeze for students across all levels.
Under Mr. Yee guidance and tutoring, in 2012, my elder son scored very high grades for his Sec 3 E.Maths and A.Maths (both above 85%) in his school exams. My younger son scored A* for his Maths during his PSLE exam and is now currently studying in Hwa Chong Institution. We are very grateful to Mr. Yee for his patience towards our two boys. We highly recommend Mr. Yee to any students who wish to improve their Mathematics skills.
David Loh
Jerry Loh achieved A* for Maths in PSLE 2012 while Jeremy Loh Score A1 for both A Maths and E Maths in 2013 'O' Level |
Mr Yee started teaching my elder daughter in mid-Dec 2010 after we had identified that she had fallen behind in her maths. For just a year, my Sec 2 girl has improved her Math grade significantly from B to A*. My elder girl told me that being with Mr Yee for the past 1 year has been an awesome experience. His explanation is clear and understandable. And I noted that my girl is now able to use the simplest methods to solve the difficult questions.
I enrolled my younger daughter in Mr Yee's class since Jun this year. She is a bright girl and had no problem to score A star in all her subjects and she always top in level when she was in Pri 1 to Pri 3. However, her grade in Math had started to fall behind when she was in Pri 4. Her foundation in Fraction and Area was not very good. She was confused and had no confident in attempting tough questions, especially after she had scored a "B" in her SA1 that year. She did not like the idea of going tuition and insisted to try on her own. However, I noted that she struggled very hard in this subject and she was very stressed when come to test / exam. That was the time that I decided to send her for tuition. She was reluctant to attend the tuition class initially and always "pulled a long face" when we were on the way to Mr Yee's place. However, Mr Yee is an excellent and friendly tutor. He is committed and patient. He always makes sure that my younger girl fully understands the concept before moving on to another topic. He has successfully made my younger girl to fall in love with Math again. She is now looking forward to attend Mr Yee's class on every Sunday. Her grade in Math has improved tremendously, from B to Acwithin a short period of 5 months.
I'm very impressed with Mr Yee teaching. His tuition is well geared to each child’s ability, the group sizes are just right. If not for him, my two girls would not be able to score good result in their year- end exam. Thank you Mr Yee.
Mrs Phang
Charlotte Phang, Year 4 of Dunman High has been scoring A* for every exams since joining Mr Yee’s tuition class |
Mr Yee's method of teaching has also proven to be very effective. Through his teaching, my daughter is now able to understand those concepts or methods which she was unclear of previously.
He would also provide alternative methods in solving the questions which my daughter found it easier to understand.
Having only join Mr Yee's class in Sep 12, her grades has improved significantly from 56 marks in SA1 to 77 in SA2! Both my daughter and I are very happy with the marked improvement in grades.
More importantly, he has helped my daughter regained her confidence in Mathematics! From one who used to say "I hate Maths" - now she says "I like Maths - it's interesting"!
Thank you very much Mr Yee for your guidance!
Mrs Chai
Rayen Chai, P5 of CHIJ St Teresa’s Convent Scored A* in PSLE. She is now Studying in Nan Hua High. |
Many thanks for coaching Keane for the past few months. (Wow! almost a year next April! time flies)
I remembered scanning through the ST Classifieds for a tutor last April, SIX months before PSLE. We did not want to spend a bomb on private tuition fees, and we are glad to have found an educator who is willing to guide students at an affordable rate. I recalled sharing with you then, that Keane had all along been good in Maths, he was complacent and the tuition centre that he was attending to then was not doing enough to motivate him. However I felt that he could do better if given the proper guidance and motivation.
Within that couple of months, we saw improvement in his school assignments, and his interest in the topic increased even more! He is always very excited after attending your lessons, sharing about learning new topics, knowing how to solve 'problematic sums' or 'faster way in solving' questions. He was so enthusiastic! He was able to handle tough questions given in class, and his math teacher was so impressed. True enough as per your expectation, he garnered an A* for PSLE 2010.
Thanks for continuing to motivate, inspire and riding through with him as he embark on his Secondary education.
Mrs Yap
Keane Yap from De Laselle Primary School Scored A* in PSLE2011 |
I would like to say THANK YOU for helping Arjun in overcoming his fear for Maths. He refused to try challenging questions in the beginning, but now he likes to practise Maths on his own .I don't have to monitor him anymore.
You have been very helpful and patient whenever he approaches you with his doubts.
Mrs Raji
Ajun, Sec 1 of Queensway Secondary school improved from 59(SA1) to 81(SA2), 2012. |
Good and dedicated Maths tutors are not easy to come by but I was lucky to find Mr Yee. My son joined Mr Yee’s class only in July this year but improved tremendously from 55 marks in SA1 to 87 marks in SA2.
Mr Yee is a very patient and committed teacher. His clear and easy-to-understand explanation has helped my son to understand better and that Maths is not a difficult subject after all. Mr Yee’s constant encouragement and patient teaching has helped my son regain his confidence and he is now able to solve more challenging questions.
I would strongly recommend Mr Yee to you. Thank you Mr Yee!
Mrs Hey
Kieran Hey from Holy Innocent’s Primary School,Scored A* in PSLE in 2012, enrolled into Maris Stella High |
I can’t thank you enough for tutoring my son in Maths. You are such an inspiring teacher. You did an unbelievable & great job – my son scored an A* in PSLE 2009 and 96 marks in Sec 1 SA2 Maths Exam.
Her Son Zhi Cai , Sec 1 of Chung Cheng Main scored an A* in PSLE 2009 and 96 marks in Sec 1 SA2 Maths Exam. |
I am a secondary 4 student studying in Dunman High School. Though I am from a good school but my results were not fantastic. My weakest subject is math. In the beginning of 2008, my grade for E math and A math were both D. My mum was worried so she decided to get me a tutor to help me with math. Eventually my mum found Mr Yee. I began tuition in the June holidays. My tuition is twice a week and each session I only had 1.5 hours. So I cherished every single second I have during tuition to clear all the doubts I have and Mr yee will also give me some practice questions to do. A few weeks before my EOYs, Mr Yee went through the concepts and we had intensive revision for every single topic that will be tested in the exams. With my own hard work and Mr Yee’s patience and dedication, the math exam went like a breeze. I scored A for one of the math papers and my final grade for math is a B. So I am really thankful for Mr Yee.
Jessica Woon
Jessica, Year 4 of Dunman High improved from D in SA1 to A in SA2 and score an overall B. |
Mr Yee is a very responsible and committed teacher. Mr Yee had been tutoring my son Maths for the past 9 months. During this period there was a great improvement in my son's Maths marks. Before the tuition class, my son scored only 59 marks for his Maths. However, after being taught by Mr Yee, my son's marks had significantly improved and he scored 72 marks during the SA2.
My child enjoys his lessons with Mr Yee because he is friendly and patient with my child. Mr Yee is indeed a very caring and passionate tutor.
Esther Tang
Her son, Shane Lim, P5 of Fairfield Methodist improved from 59 in SA1 to 72 in SA2 |
Cheryl's Maths has been scoring 60 plus or just 70 odd before she joins your tuition during P5.
She would not have scored A in her PSLE Maths if not for your clear explanation and patience. Your tuition has regain her confidence for her weak subject Maths and thus, motivated her to excel.
Thank you, Mr Yee!
Mrs Chua
Her daughter Cheryl Chua, P6 of St Anthony’s Primary, improved from 64.5 in SA1 P5 to an A in PSLE 2010 |
I am David here. Under Mr Yee's guidance, my son, Donovan has improved tremendously from 46% to 76% currently. I find mr yee's tuition class to be effective for my son.
Click to view Report card |
David Hiew
His son, Donavan Hiew, Pri 5 of ACS Junior improved from 46% in SA1 to 76% in SA2 2010 |
Under the guidance of Mr Yee, I was able to grasp mathematics better. When we are stuck while solving the question, he will read through all our workings and spot our mistakes. His explanations are clear and simple to understand. Mr Yee is a meticulous teacher who remembers the progress of each individual student so as to prepare relevant materials that is most beneficial before every lesson. He is also a caring teacher who is concerned about the student’s welfare. I have been taking up tuition lessons for 4 months and my A-math grade improved from a B4 to an A1. Thank you!
Cherylmine Woon
Secondary 3, Chung Cheng High School (Main) improved from B4 in SA1 to A1 in SA2 2010. |
My son's math grades fell from 70s+ to 60s+ for the P6 Midyear exams in June. He is a badminton player and is often too tired to focus on his work.
His current tuition centre wasn't helping him. In fact, they told me there wasn't much they could do as it was up to the child...I was disappointed with their response and so i decided to make a switch.
I found Mr. Yee while surfing the internet and i sincerely thank God for leading me to him as there were so many tutors to choose from, i simply went by instincts.
Mr. Yee saw the potential in my son and had the ability to make him understand even the difficult questions. In a month, i saw a transformation in my son. From dreading Math, he became very interested, eager to do test papers, to solve challenging math questions etc.
For the Prelims, my son scored 90 marks and won a Gold Award for Math from the school. For the PSLE, although he didn’t get a star, I am sure he had a high A and I am truly grateful to Mr. Yee for his patience and teachings. My son now loves Math and has a renewed confidence in himself.
Without a doubt, I will recommend Mr. Yee to all who needs help. He is an amazing tutor! Look no further! Thanks so much Mr. Yee Kian Toung!
Mrs Cindy Ng
Her son Ryan Ng, Pri 6 of ACS Junior, improved from 60 plus in SA1 to 90 in SA2 and A in PSLE 2010 |
My son has encountered great difficulty in math especially in Section C where he found the problem-solving sums complicated and tedious, causing him to lose confidence. Math is a major subject and with his overall score, it has caused much anxiety especially he was undergoing PSLE. There are lots of tutors available for math but getting the best one for your kid is still a tricky process. We are glad that Mr. Yee has the expertise in the subject area and impressive credentials in the subject which has effectively given my son a much needed boost in his grades. Mr. Yee's familiarity in the subject is important with the ability to relate to my son is just as critical as well. Math is very complex and your child needs someone who can explain the subject to the child in a way that he deems simple, fun and easy to understand. Thank you Mr. Yee for your constant encouragement and patience teaching in assisting my son obtaining an A in Math for his PSLE!
Mrs. Celia Tay
Her son Ezra Tay, Pri 6 of Pei Hwa Presbyterian, improved from 30 plus in P5 SA2 to an A in PSLE 2010 |